Top 10k strings from Sinclair User - Issue 117 - Great Eight 06 - Tips Amazing (1991)(Sinclair User).tzx in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Covertapes / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Covertapes - [TZX] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /

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   2 Sinclair User
   1 test      L
   1 Utility/Tips
   1 Tips.Amaz.
   1 Tips Amazing 117
   1 This Is A 48k Program
   1 Sinclair User - Issue 117
   1 SELECT=9010
   1 S$="0004,0005,0006,0007,0008,0009,0010,0011,0012,0013,0014,0015,0016,0017,0018,0019,0020,0021":
   1 L$=L$+" of the year 2,  then 500, press ENTER. You will see the question with the timer at the bottom. Press ~P~ to pause the timer, giving you endless time to answer . .  On Mr.Heli, it's a +3 cheat only (the disk version) . . usually the cheats are right, but as it was a new program, I wasn't used to it, so bits were inputed in wrongly, sorry . . 1991 Leigh Thompson and Sinclair User    HEREweGOagainVILLE     "+
   1 L$=L$+" . . . well it's a laugh isn't it * * Wayne, here's a longer message for you as you had a go at me for just putting in a ~hello~, erm, how's work, why haven't you written to me yet, have you heard anymore from the Scottish, and the dreamer (you know who????) and tell James not to send me Sarah's address (New Kids fan you see) # # # Hello to Sally, watch out, I'm coming down to visit soon"
   1 L$=L$+"  Oh, I'll be back in a moment, me CD's just jumped 
   1 L$="Yes you've guessed it, it's me, hurrah . . . Well hasn't the weather been good these past couple of weeks, I got really sunburnt whilst out fishing with my mate (Hi Stew!!!!) . . O.k as usual here's some HELLO'S * * * Hello to T.P. Reilly in Liverpool, hello to Kerrie Ann and Carole (aren't you supposed to take your luggage with you  HA HA HA HA)   hello to Wayne (do you want to come to my party) hello to Graham Mason (of CRASH fame) hello to Rick O'Neill (how did you get my address)"
   1 I'm back again, well it's nearly time for me to go, by the way, there's a Footnote coming up. . .    1991 Leigh Thompson and Sinclair User . . . Footnote, bit of a bodge on some of the cheats from last month, Footballer"
   1 >~>|>|>|>|>
   1 ;"YO! M.C DAVE,"
   1 41520,1 - End level|0Target Renegade 62765,0 - Speed|0H.A.T.E 53246,14 - Lives|0Ninja Commando 29076,x - x=Lives|0R. of T. Jedi 46267,201 - No trees|0|0MORE NEXT MONTH - Press ENTER
   1 128.+2.+3 Machines Use  48k Mode
   1 11211411Twin Turbo V8|0|0When the music is playing,|0press ~SPACE~ and type ~UNIVERSAL|0PEACE~ for infinite lives|0|0Press ENTER
   1 11211411Trapdoor|0Fried Eggs|0Let the bird out from under the|0trapdoor. Take the basket and tip|0out the bullet. Put the bullet on|0the trap door. When the bird flies|0over the trapdoor, open it so the|0bullet hits the bird, and close it|0so you don't lose the bullet down|0the hole. If you do you can use Boni|0the Skull as a bullet instead.|0|0MORE NEXT MONTH - Press ENTER
   1 11211411Starglider 2|0|0Refuel on the powerline nearby and|0Stardrive to Broadway, a moon of|0Millway (to get there, Stardrive|0left past Synapse and turn right of|0Wackfunk and you should hit it|0without coming too close to Millway).|0Once there you should spiral down to|0the ground at full speed (don't|0actually hit it) and pick up the|0first Emma 2 jetcar you see.|0|0MORE NEXT MONTH -  Press ENTER
   1 11211411Silkworm|0|0The big helicopter at the end|0is easy. Blast it's weak spot,|0but watch out for the massive|0missiles. If you just shoot the|0weak spot you can blast it before|0it's fully on the screen. Keep the|0jeep firing straight ahead as it|0fires bombs.|0|0MORE NEXT MONTH - Press ENTER
   1 11211411R-Type|0|0Level 3|0You can only go under the ship and|0must shoot out the thrusters or|0you get burnt. When you come to the|0end of the mothership there's a bit|0which moves in and out and then fires.|0Shoot the add-on out and guide it|0into the purple bit and fire away.|0|0MORE NEXT MONTH - Press ENTER
   1 11211411Pipemania|0|0Change the mode to 1 Player Expert|0as you can use the lower dispenser|0repeatedly without wasting time bombing|0|0Don't panic! Take time allowed to|0construct masses of pipeline. Then|0panic when the flooz starts flowing|0|0MORE NEXT MONTH - Press ENTER
   1 11211411Myth|0|0Go left twice, down and then right.|0Destroy the hanging skeletons,|0go right and collect bead. Go left|0four times killing and collecting|0as you go. Go down, then left.|0At this point you must have ten skulls.|0If you haven't go right and wait for|0skeletons to appear. Blast them with|0fireballs, collect their skulls, then|0go left.|0|0MORE NEXT MONTH - Press ENTER
   1 11211411Licence To Kill|0|0STAGE 3|0Keep firing and guide James to the|0back of Sanchez's plane|0LEVEL 4 NEXT MONTH|0|0MORE NEXT MONTH - Press ENTER
   1 11211411Interalia|0|0The code for the second level:|0STONEROSES|0|9Press ENTER
   1 11211411Impossamole|0|0When you get on the high score|0table type in these:|0OUCHOUCH - Stop you dying in water|0HEINZ - Gives your weapons power-up|0COMMANDO - Never reload again|0LUMBERJAK - Infinite energy
   1 11211411Ghouls and Ghosts|0|0Trident Man (Levels 1 & 5)|0Don't run from him as he's fast.|0Face him and keep firing|0|0Bouncing Stone Heads (Level 2)|0Run under them when they bounce|0|0Flying Demon (Levels 2 & 5)|0Before he swoops down, jump up and fire|0|0Venus Fly Trap (Level 2)|0Shoot it before it fires at you|0|0Deadly Bird (Levels 2, 3, 4 & 5)|0One shot to kill|0|0MORE NEXT MONTH - Press ENTER
   1 11211411Elite|0|0To allow you to become Elite, load|0the game and wait until it asks|0~New Commander Y/N?~. Press Y, and|0another menu will appear. Press 2,|0enter you name and then press SPACE|0when it tells you to start the tape|0|0MORE NEXT MONTH - Press ENTER
   1 11211411Cavemania|0|0Type in ~ROK~ as your name for|0infinite lives|0|0Press ENTER
   1 11211411Carrier Command|0|0Bring back your Manta and send out|0a Walrus with and ACCB. It's better|0to turn the ship around before you|0launch the Walrus so the back is|0facing the island. The way to do|0this is go to the map, put a cross|0at the back of the ship and press|0Program. The ship will turn around.|0|0MORE NEXT MONTH - Press ENTER
   1 11211411Batman The Caped Crusader|0|0Go left and through the door then|0left and pick up the toast and dart.|0Go right and get the disk. Go through|0the door, and through the next one.|0Turn left. Get the egg and use the|0magnet. Use the dart and get the pass.|0Head back to the rooftop, then go|0right down the ladder and up the|0other one. Get the pop and torch|0and go back down the ladder.|0|0MORE NEXT MONTH - Press ENTER
   1 11211411Arkanoid 2|0|0Press ~T~ to go to the next level|0|0Press ENTER
   1 11211411** MULTIFACE HACKS **|0|0Outrun 39204,0 - Time|0Lightforce 40725,0 - Lives|01942 47007,0 - Lives|0Operation Wolf 40840,0 - Lives|0Silkworm 47894,0 - Immunity|0Batman 24345,0 - Time|0Chase HQ 39998,166 - Credits|0 
   1 11211411    Leigh's Tea Time Slot    |0|0Basic and fader by|0Leigh Thompson|0|0Copyright 
   1 07807711Cheats/Solutions/Tips Menu|0We'll the Geordie boys:|0|2Carrier Command|2Elite|2Ghouls and Ghosts|2Licence to Kill|2Pipemania|2Starglider 2|2R-Type|2Silkworm|2Impossamole|2Trapdoor|2Batman The Caped Crusader|2Twin Turbo V8|2Arkanoid 2|2Myth|2Cavemania|2Interalia|2Night Shift|2MULTIFACE HACKS
   1 05805611Rick's Expanding Menus|0|0Code and design by|0Rick O'Neill|0|0Copyright 
   1 !TZXed by Andrew Barker 19-07-1999
   1  1991|0Pooo Pole Programs|0SINCLAIR USER|0|0|0  Press ENTER to continue
   1  1991|0Pointy Stick Productions|0|0Use UP and DOWN cursors to select|0with ENTER to choose.|0|0Press ENTER to continue